From: Poole, Jamie
Sent: Thu Apr 09 08:27:20 2020
Subject: FW: PPE Burn Rate Update
Importance: Normal
City EMs,
Below is the information on how to submit your burn rate information for PPE.
Thank you,
Jamie Poole
Outreach and Technology Coordinator
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045
503-278-9150 (cell) | |
Follow Clackamas County: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
Follow Disaster Management: Facebook | Twitter
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From: ECC BurnRate <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 10:57 AM
To: ECC BurnRate <>
Subject: PPE Burn Rate Update
Warning: External email. Be cautious opening attachments and links.
Emergency Managers and Tribal Liaisons,
I wanted to provide an update on the burn rate data. We have secured you folks access to the data for your jurisdiction at the following link:
This link is the only way to access this dashboard. Use the drop down to select your jurisdiction to view respondents in a particular county/tribe to view submitted data from the previous reporting period, i.e. today you can see Monday's submitted data into the survey. DO NOT share this link with the general public.
We are also creating a survey for you folks to populate for any stockpile you may have at your county distribution sites. Once it is finished we will distribute.
One of the issues we are dealing with right now, is agencies entering their data this morning rather than yesterday by 5 when it was due. We will be closing the survey on the days people shouldn’t be reporting in order to keep the data as clean as possible. What this means is…. the survey will be open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 8am and 5pm. Please get this message out to your end users. Please see below for your respective counties and the number of respondents in each county.
County or tribal entities may choose to collect data from individual PPE users and report once for the county - We ask that in the Agency of Company Name field, it is clear to us that this is occurring. That can be completed by stating "County-wide Submission"
Also, reporting agency need enter the passcode: oregon1859 There is no capitalization and no spaces. Survey link:
For those entities that did not submit data by 5pm yesterday, email that information clearly identifying the entity, inventory date/time, and PPE inventoried to for manual input into the database.
Thank you for your work in obtaining and reporting accurate information - we are all in this together.
Who has reported:
| # of entities
| County/Tribe not reporting
| 1
| Coos
| 1
| Crook
| 1
| Curry
| 1
| Deschutes
| 6
| Douglas
| 1
| Hood River
| 8
| Jefferson
Grand Ronde
| 1
| Josephine
| 1
| Klamath
| 4
| Lake
| 12
| Lane
| 1
| Malheur
| 18
| Marion
| 16
| Morrow
| 7
| Multnomah
| 2
| Union
| 1
| Wallowa
| 1
| Wheeler
| 7
| Burns Paiute Tribe
| 1
| 20
| Coquille Indian Tribe
| Siletz
| ||
| Umatilla Tribe
| ||
| Warm Springs
| ||
| Entities potentially reporting county-wide data
| |