From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Mon Apr 13 13:23:55 2020

Subject: FW: [Localtribal-em] FW: RX Public Assistance COVID-19 FEMA DailyUpdate 4.13.2020

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png; COVID-19 Purchase and Distribution of Food FP-104-010-03 (04.11.20).pdf; COVID-19 Q and A (04.13.20) 1015hrs.xlsx;


To Whom It May Concern:

Daily update from the state on PA below.

Thank you,

Jamie Poole

Outreach and Technology Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045

503-278-9150 (cell) | |

From: Localtribal-em <> On Behalf Of Slevin, Julie via Localtribal-em

Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 12:02 PM

To: '' <>; '' <>

Cc: 'Jeff Stump' <>; 'Chambers Toni L' <>

Subject: [Localtribal-em] FW: RX Public Assistance COVID-19 FEMA Daily Update 4.13.2020

Warning: External email. Be cautious opening attachments and links.


FEMA Region Ten Update 4-13-20


Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 11:58 AM


Subject: RX Public Assistance COVID-19 FEMA Daily Update 4.13.2020

Good afternoon,

Hope everyone had a nice weekend! Here’s today’s update; please keep letting us know how we can assist you.

New! Purchase and Distribution of food policy: The new policy for purchase and distribution of food is attached. Please note one change from the previous Q & A that was provided and the standard requirements for this type of work in the PAPPG: there is now a requirement to get approval if costs are incurred for more than 30 days. Please let your PA lead know if you have applicants who are currently funding food distribution, and we’ll be looking at the most expeditious way to get any necessary approvals.

Congressional Inquiries: We have been getting lot of congressional inquiries and we anticipate this will continue; a lot of jurisdictions who are probably not familiar with Public Assistance are contacting their representatives to find out how to access assistance or if various costs are eligible. When we get a request to provide information to our external affairs folks so they can respond to an inquiry that comes from a potential applicant, we let them know that applicants should contact their grantee and provide any relevant general information. If there is a specific POC, email inbox address, general phone line, or other state specific information you’d like us to include as we respond to these questions please let your PA lead know.

Documents from HQ, as of 4/13/2020

- Q & A spreadsheet updated 4.13.20 at 1015

- COVID-19 Purchase and Distribution of Food FP-104-010-03 (04.11.20)

Thank you for all your continued efforts in helping the nation before, during and after disasters. As new information becomes available, we will do our best to make this information as accessible as possible.
