From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Tue Apr 07 11:30:30 2020

Subject: FW: [Localtribal-em] FW: RX Public Assistance COVID-19 FEMA DailyUpdate 4.6.2020

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png; COVID-19 RPA Deadline.Updated.03.21.20.Final.signed.pdf;


To Whom It May Concern,

Please forward to your staff working on Public Assistance. Apologies if duplicate.

Thank you,

Jamie Poole

Outreach and Technology Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045

503-278-9150 (cell) | |

From: Localtribal-em <> On Behalf Of Slevin, Julie via Localtribal-em

Sent: Monday, April 6, 2020 1:50 PM

To: '' <>; '' <>

Cc: McCormick, Sean M <>

Subject: [Localtribal-em] FW: RX Public Assistance COVID-19 FEMA Daily Update 4.6.2020

Warning: External email. Be cautious opening attachments and links.


FEMA Public Assistance Program Update 4/6/20


Subject: RX Public Assistance COVID-19 FEMA Daily Update 4.6.2020

Good afternoon,

Happy Monday! Here’s today’s update; please keep letting us know how we can assist you. Here are a couple of things we’ve gotten questions on:

30 day reassessment for Non-Congregate Sheltering approvals: The NCS guidance we’ve received calls for reassessments of the need at 30 day intervals. We have not received any implementation guidance, but we are working on a regional process that we hope will be simple and helpful.

Further Clarification on Food Bank eligibility: This is the same info that we sent out a few days ago but the highlighted portion includes further clarification based on questions we have received. There has been a lot of interest in the eligibility of food bank activities, and HQ has provided this Q&A:

Question: Are the costs incurred by food banks for buying and distributing food for COVID-19 eligible for reimbursement from FEMA PA?

Answer: Not directly. The FEMA Public Assistance Program cannot reimburse food banks directly for the costs of buying and distributing food, because these activities are not PA eligible emergency protective measures for PNP food banks. However, SLTT governments may enter into formal agreements or contracts with food banks to provide necessary food commodities. FEMA PA may provide funding to a SLTT government for the cost of providing necessary food commodities through food banks, through a formal agreement or contract, when food security has been impacted and food distribution is necessary to protect public health and safety. Indicators of negative food security impacts include documented decreases of in-kind donations to food banks; reduced mobility of those in need due to government imposed restrictions; marked increase or atypical demand for feeding resources; or disruptions to the typical food supply chain within the relevant jurisdiction. In order to address immediate needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, FEMA may approve funding to the SLTT for an initial 30 days, notwithstanding that another federal agency may have funding for this activity. FEMA Regions will re-assess before the end of the 30 days and may grant another 30-day extension as warranted. FEMA cannot duplicate funding provided by another source, and will reconcile final funding based on any funding provided by another agency for the same costs. Foodbanks may not seek direct cost reimbursement from the FEMA Public Assistance program. (FOLLOW UP ANSWER) There is no preapproval required and if activities are taken by an eligible jurisdiction with legal responsibility to perform the work, we would review claimed costs in accordance with standard category B criteria.

RPA period extended and remaining open: The Request for Public Assistance deadline is nationally extended and will remain open for the duration of the Public Health Emergency, as declared by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, unless an earlier deadline is deemed appropriate by the Assistant Administrator, Recovery Directorate (See attached Memo). JS Comment: FEMA will accept RPAs for 30 days after the end of the declaration of the Public Health Emergency and provide 30-day advance notification if

an earlier deadline is established or further extended by a Regional Administrator.

No new documents from HQ, as of 4/6/2020


Please continue to email your questions to Dan Gwin, and myself, if we cannot answer your questions, we’ll run them up to the region for Q&A.

Stay safe and healthy!

Julie Slevin

State Public Assistance Officer

Oregon Office of Emergency Management
