From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Thu Apr 16 14:29:46 2020

Subject: Follow up for 4/16 City EM COVID Call

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Essential-Critical-Workers_Dos-and-Donts.pdf; Protocol COVID-19 Self-Assessment (final).docx; Return to Work FLOW 6.6.2020.xlsx; COVID-19 RTW procedure - DRAFT.docx; critical-workers-implementing-safety-practices.pdf; staying-home.pdf;


City EMs,

Thank you for a productive call this morning. I’ve been working on collecting some information today to follow up with.

DUNS Number: When you send in your Request for Public Assistance the state wants to know your DUNS number. To do so visit this website: and

1. Search records for your agency to see if you already have a number, if you do not have a number:

2. Create a SAM user account

3. Register Entity

Summer Events: On Tuesday morning 4/20 we will be discussing coordination of decisions on summer event cancelations. Chief Charlton will join us as the Fire Defense Board Chief, to discuss 4th of July events and possible side effects of cancelations (i.e. increased home firework displays).

Return to Work Protocols: Attached are the return to work protocols that a few of you shared. Nancy agreed to have our Public Health department look at one document, and by looking at these I think the one titled COVID-19 RTW Procedure – DRAFT may be the most comprehensive/relevant for all of you. I will take a closer look and try to add anything that may be included in the other documents and send it through the EOC to Public Health for review. I will do this tomorrow, so if any of you have something else that you want to share please send it to me today.

Vulnerable Populations Resource Page: The Vulnerable Pops Liaisons are working very hard to finalize and get this translated into Spanish. I will get the final version out to everyone ASAP.

Anti-complacency Flyer: Attached is a staying-home flyer our PIOs created, please use!

Please let me know if you need anything or have any questions.

Be well,

Jamie Poole

Outreach and Technology Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045

503-278-9150 (cell) | |

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