From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Tue Apr 14 11:04:12 2020

Subject: Follow up 4/14 City EM COVID Call

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Disinfection Plan ver Final.pdf; Conducting Public Meetings During a State of Emergency.pdf; User Guide - Participating in Remote Meetings_Public.pdf; User Guide - Hosting Remote Meetings_Public.pdf;


City EMs,

Thank you for joining the call this morning. As promised here is follow up information.

Burn rate: If you had issues with the burn rate survey, you can email to manually submit. Cities can submit once as a city including PD, Fire Department, PWs, etc. just select any one of the “agency types” listed in the survey. You do not need to submit separately for each one.

Cleaning/Disinfection Resources: Attached is a document Martin Montalvo from the City of Wilsonville provided as a resource, the four vendors listed in the document are approved for cleaning based on the CDC guidelines and Clackamas County Public Health cleared the document Martin sent. The City of Milwaukie used: Service Team, Paula Valero 503 933-5410, This is one of the vendors listed in Martin’s plan, but some additional contact information.

Messaging on compliancy and vulnerable pops resources: I am working on getting a one pager from the county PIOs on reminding people to continue social distancing. I am also working on getting a one pager of resources for vulnerable populations. Once I get these I will send out to you all and you can decide how to distribute and if you want to place in your utility mailers, newsletters, etc.

Virtural/Zoom public meetings SOPs: Attached are three documents Martin Montalvo from the City of Wilsonville shared on hosting and participating in public meetings via Zoom.

Public Wifi Locations: I forgot to mention on the call, our vulnerable populations team would love to know where there are public wifi locations setup so they can help those needing to utilize the internet for benefits do so. If you have a city location that is allowing people to utilize public wifi like a library one of you mentioned will you please email me the location and times available? I will start a list.


Thank you,

Jamie Poole

Outreach and Technology Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045

503-278-9150 (cell) | |

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