From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Tue Apr 07 10:25:30 2020

Subject: Follow up 4/7 City EM COVID call

Importance: Normal


City EMs,

This is follow up to this morning’s call:

- Unemployment numbers: Visit for information on unemployment rates. Check out their press releases where you can find a weekly breakdown report for March.

- Situation reports: If your EOC is activated please submit daily situation reports via WebEOC. If you need help with WebEOC contact Jamie Poole.

- PPE burn rate: Oregon Emergency Management and the Oregon Health Authority are now requesting a PPE burn rate for the entire county, including the cities and districts. The county EOC is working on a process to gather this data from the cities and districts. Once the process is developed for the cities we will get it out to everyone. Note, the Fire Defense Board already has a process with the EOC for burn rate information, this remains unchanged at this time.

- Resources on the county website: Make sure you’re checking our website regularly for information you may want to share.

§ Mental Health

§ Specific groups – food, homeowners & renters, transit riders, etc.

§ Materials in multiple languages

- SAIF Coronavirus worker safety fund: It was mentioned that SAIF has a fund for employers to apply for reimbursement of costs associated with making their workplace safe for employees. It looks like the applications are currently suspended due to a large amount of applications. You can be put on a waitlist to receive information if additional opportunities arise. Note, if you do get funds like this you cannot also receive funds from Public Assistance (double dipping) you would need to subtract any funds received outside of PA from your PA request.

Please let me know if you have other resources you would like to share or agenda items for Thursday’s call.


Thank you,

Jamie Poole

Outreach and Technology Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045

503-278-9150 (cell) | |

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