From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Tue Mar 03 10:17:04 2020

To: Poole, Jamie

Subject: RE: WebEOC and resource requests for COVID-19 2020

Importance: Normal



I am working on an issue that was just found – the WebEOC incident is not showing up for folks. I will send out another email when I have it resolved.


From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 9:16 AM

To: Poole, Jamie <>

Subject: WebEOC and resource requests for COVID-19 2020

Good morning everyone,

We are ramping up our use of WebEOC today. Please see below for information on which boards/menus we will be utilizing at this point. Our EOC will start to add information in the system today. If you have information you wish to input please do.

For assistance with logging in or setting up accounts please contact Jackie Nerski at or 503-655-8378.


Incident Name: COVID-19 2020

Active/Monitored Boards/Menus:

Board Name


Description of Board


Other Notes


01 Significant Events Log


Input significant events for your agency


Sig Event defined as:

Potentially impacts critical resources and/or

Affects policy decisions or considerations and/or

Impacts other jurisdictions and/or

Requires public information or notification and/or


02 City Dashboard


Cities input status of various information areas



Menu Name


Description of Menu


Other Notes


01 Comms Plans


Communications 205 Plans for your agency



02 Media Releases


Media releases from your agency


Please also upload anything PIO related you would like to share


03 Situation Reports


Situations Reports for your agency



04 GIS Maps and File Library


Upload any maps or other files of interest for sharing


Resource Requests

If your agency has a resource request for the county please utilize the attached form and instructions. Email your completed form to We are not using the WebEOC resource request form board at this time.

Thank you,

Jamie Poole

Outreach and Technology Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045

503-655-8838 | |

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