From: Steve Campbell
Sent: Wed Mar 18 14:15:34 2020
To: EOC, EOCPlanning; Ann Ober; Bonnie Hirshberger; Brett.Smith; Chris Randall; Dan Huff; Ryan Kersey; Delora Kerber; Eric Hand; Ernie Roberts - Sandy PD; Gerald Fisher; Gladstone - Rick Huffman, GFD; Gregg Ramirez; John Lewis; John Schmerber; Johnson City Recorder; Jorge Tro; Kelly Dilbeck; Lance Calvert; Strait, Luke; Martin Montalvo; Melanie Wagner; Patty Stewart (OCPD admin); Bartol, Steve; Steve Hoffeditz; Vance Walker (OCPW); Vince Ballard, Johnson City
Subject: RE: Information request from Clackamas County EOC
Importance: Normal
City of Happy Valley Info:
EOC Status:
The City of Happy Valley today activated our EOC. The EOC will be operating Monday thru Friday (8am to 5pm) and on-call/Virtually Monday thru Friday (5pm to 8am) - 24 hours per/day on Saturday and Sunday.
EOC Contacts:
Steve Campbell 503-783-3800 – Cell 971-563-4641
Chris Randall 503-783-3800 – Cell 503-572-0702
Ryan Kersey 503-929-8034
The City of Happy Valley is using WEB EOC and is current on all information at this time. We are beginning to upload documents to share: Meeting agenda/briefing docs.
City Facilities and Services:
Emergency Declaration:
Not at this time. City Council is considering.
COVID-19 Emergency Management Team:
Managers meet each day from 10:00am to Noon for briefing and planning.
Business Task Force:
This group was formed today to help work with local businesses (specifically food and beverage) to help promote their adjusted/new services; take-out, delivery, delivery third party and curb service.
From: EOC, EOCPlanning <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 10:59 AM
To: Ann Ober <>; Bonnie Hirshberger <>; Brett.Smith <>; Chris Randall <>; Dan Huff <>; Delora Kerber <>; Eric Hand <>; Ernie Roberts - Sandy PD <>; Gerald Fisher <>; Gladstone - Rick Huffman, GFD <>; Gregg Ramirez <>; John Lewis <>; John Schmerber <>; Johnson City Recorder <>; Jorge Tro <>; Kelly Dilbeck <>; Lance Calvert <>; Strait, Luke <>; Martin Montalvo <>; Melanie Wagner <>; Patty Stewart (OCPD admin) <>; Bartol, Steve <>; Steve Campbell <>; Steve Hoffeditz <>; Vance Walker (OCPW) <>; Vince Ballard, Johnson City <>
Subject: Information request from Clackamas County EOC
Please provide your EOC operational status and your City’s staffing and operations status.
Thank you
Eric Bohard
Clackamas County EOC
Planning Section Chief
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