From: John M. Lewis
Sent: Wed Mar 18 12:40:36 2020
To: EOC, EOCPlanning; Ann Ober; Bonnie Hirshberger; Brett.Smith; Chris Randall; Dan Huff; Delora Kerber; Eric Hand; Ernie Roberts - Sandy PD; Gerald Fisher; Gladstone - Rick Huffman, GFD; Gregg Ramirez; John Schmerber; Johnson City Recorder; Jorge Tro; Kelly Dilbeck; Lance Calvert; Strait, Luke; Martin Montalvo; Melanie Wagner; Patty Stewart; Bartol, Steve; Steve Campbell; Steve Hoffeditz; Vance Walker; Vince Ballard, Johnson City
Subject: RE: Information request from Clackamas County EOC
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image003.jpg; RE: COVID-19: 3/17/20 update; Attached is an email update that the City Manager sent out yesterday to our City Commissioners and Department Directors. Oregon City has not opened an EOC but we have been meeting as a Management team daily. We also are not at this time recommending opening the EOC instead relying on the Federal, State, and County Public Health messaging to stay informed. City Hall and most City services open to the public are closed with employees still working. The City Commission is meeting via electronic access tonight and there may be more change they would like to implement but overall I see the Decisions being made by the City Manager to be responsible and considerate of community and employees. We are considering more measures to accommodate work from home opportunities. This is true for Public Works Operations and Engineering staff too. Today I’m putting together a shift change that essentially splits our crews into two shifts. One here at work managing the day to day and the other crew at home on administrative leave (on call/standby) and/or working from home when it makes sense. This shift change would generally apply one a one week on one week off with some exceptions for essential staff and off site work like inspections. Our IT group is busy working on bolstering our existing remote access options to better accommodate more. All of our permitting and payments can be handled online and the message is work hard to avoid exposing employees to face to face business meetings even one on one meetings. Based on the prior few days, this approach is likely to change as soon as we implement. J John M. Lewis, P.E. Public Works Director City of Oregon City PO Box 3040 625 Center Street Oregon City, Oregon 97045 503.657.0891 phone 503.793.2255 cell email: City web site: Bid/RFP site: From: EOC, EOCPlanning [] Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 10:59 AM To: Ann Ober <>; Bonnie Hirshberger <>; Brett.Smith <>; Chris Randall <>; Dan Huff <>; Delora Kerber <>; Eric Hand <>; Ernie Roberts - Sandy PD <>; Gerald Fisher <>; Gladstone - Rick Huffman, GFD <>; Gregg Ramirez <>; John M. Lewis <>; John Schmerber <>; Johnson City Recorder <>; Jorge Tro <>; Kelly Dilbeck <>; Lance Calvert <>; Strait, Luke <>; Martin Montalvo <>; Melanie Wagner <>; Patty Stewart <>; Bartol, Steve <>; Steve Campbell <>; Steve Hoffeditz <>; Vance Walker <>; Vince Ballard, Johnson City <> Subject: Information request from Clackamas County EOC Please provide your EOC operational status and your City’s staffing and operations status. Thank you Eric Bohard Clackamas County EOC Planning Section Chief