From: DeLise Palumbo
Sent: Tue Mar 17 16:17:41 2020
To: Dan Huff; Keith Swigart; Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein; Terry Shankle; Jody Newland; Crystal Robles
Cc: Frank Schoenfeld; Gerald Fisher; Alice Cannon; Christie DeSantis; Darlene Bishop; Chaunee Seifried; Diana Hadley
Subject: Re: COVID - 19 Update
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.jpg; Excellent.
From: Dan Huff
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 9:35:19 AM
To: Keith Swigart; Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein; DeLise Palumbo; Terry Shankle; Jody Newland; Crystal Robles
Cc: Frank Schoenfeld; Gerald Fisher; Alice Cannon; Christie DeSantis; Darlene Bishop; Chaunee Seifried; Diana Hadley
Subject: COVID - 19 Update
Mayor and Council – We have updated our website and I encourage you all to take a quick look with regard to COVID-19. At this point people seem to be generally self-regulating here and we will continue to monitor the situation. I would say daily but sometimes it seems like hourly.
March 25th Council Meeting – We are working on options for our March 25th meeting to stay under the 10 person gathering suggestion. We should have that wrapped up by the end of the day today or tomorrow. Most likely we will be creating a situation where you all can stay home and call in on a conference call. Staff will be in City Hall with Russ Mabry filming on Facebook. We will also have a Facebook monitor available where people can send in questions. As this comes together we will let you all know.
Stay tuned.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
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