From: Bush, Nancy
Sent: Sun Mar 15 13:03:24 2020
To: Bush, Nancy
Cc: EOC, EOCCommand; EOC, EOCLiaison; Schmidt, Gary; EOC, EOCLogistics
Subject: Questions re: COVID-19
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.gif; Hello City Emergency Managers, Hope this note finds you well. I know that the response to COVID-19 has impacted all of you. I want to take some time and answer some questions that I have heard from a few of you so that everyone has the same information. Most questions are around emergency declarations and one regarding presumptive cases in the county. · Should my city declare an emergency? – This is a discussion you need to have with your city manager and counsel in regards to your city code. Do you need a declaration to suspend purchasing/contracting processes or need measures enacted to protect your population? Would the declaration assist in the protection of the public? These are decisions you will need to make as a city. · Will the County Declaration cover the city? The County is responsible for public health for the entire county population, including incorporated cities. Decisions related to public health and a public health emergency declaration by the Governor will cover the city populations. At this time there is not a public health declaration but there are emergency declarations for the state and county under ORS 401. · Do the cities need a declaration to receive money if it becomes available? No, IF dollars become available from the state or federal governments you do not need a city declaration. However, you MUST have everything tracked related to COVID-19 as if this were a flood or winter storm regardless of declaration status. FEMA dollars (if ever available) requires all documentation. · Will SBA loans be available for my businesses without a declaration? Yes, all businesses in Clackamas County will be eligible for SBA loans through the county emergency declaration. · What do I do with an emergency declaration if my city delcares? You will need to provide the EOC with your declaration and post it on WebEOC after it is ratified. Directly email your declaration to I will then forward your declaration to Oregon Emergency Management (OEM) according to ORS 401. If you are having a difficult time signing into WebEOC please contact · How do I contact the County EOC if I need resources? If you need resources from the County EOC complete the Resource Form on WebEOC. If you are requesting any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) you must provide how many you currenlty have in stock. At this time we do not have PPE for non-medical providers. · How will I know if there is a presumptive positive in my jurisdiction? Public heath must abide by HIPAA regulations and cannot provide specific information regarding cases. When and if your jurisdiction should be invovled you will be notified by county Public Health officials. I hope this helps. County Administrator Gary Schmidt will be sharing this note with city managers so they many have the information as well. Please let me know if you have further questions. Stay well. nb Nancy S. Bush, MBA, MA Director (she/her/hers) Clackamas County Disaster Management • 503-655-8665 • 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045 Follow Clackamas County: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube Follow Disaster Management: Facebook | Twitter