From: Gerald Fisher
Sent: Mon Mar 23 12:50:12 2020
To: Water Treatment Plant Distribution List; WWTP Distribution List; City Shops Distribution List; Engineering-PWAdmin Distribution List
Cc: Chaunee Seifried; Ginger Harville (Molalla); Cindy Chauran (Molalla); Dan Huff; Darlene Bishop (Molalla)
Subject: FW: Governor Brown's Order
Importance: High
Attachments: Exec. Order.pdf; image001.jpg; All, The governor issued a stay at home for all non-essential business and others. Attached is the unsigned version we received earlier today. We will be posting closures on the park playgrounds, pavilions, skate park, and splash pad. The restrooms are and will remain closed but the governor has not closed the open spaces. I will be sending Andy regular updates on the County’s EOC reports and Chief Shoenfeld and I are doing call-ins every Tuesday and Thursday. The City Council will likely issue an emergency declaration today that will allow us to tap into federal funds if we need too. We will monitor the state directives on a regular basis and provide you information through Andy. City Hall will remain closed to the public. I spoke with Chaunee and have some updates in regards to HR and utility billing. The federal legislature passed HR 6201 Families First Coronavirus Response Act. This allows for full-time workers access to up to 80 hours of sick leave, but is effective only if the following happens:
For additional information, please contact HR by email so you can receive the written information. FMLA may also come in to play with leave allowances.
Ginger will be in to get the utility system information ready for meter reads and she or Chaunee will contact Andy when that is ready.
Some of you may be feeling a little anxious or not at ease because we have all been inundated with questions from the public, information in the news media, or information from social media. If things get a little overwhelming and you need to take a day off then please work with Andy. You can use comp time, vacation, or sick time (if you want to take a mental health day).
I will send you more information as it comes in an email string. Thanks.
Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director
City of Molalla
117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038
Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218
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From: Dan Huff <>
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2020 10:17 AM
To: Frank Schoenfeld <>; Gerald Fisher <>; Alice Cannon <>; Christie DeSantis <>; Alice Cannon <>; Chaunee Seifried <>; Cindy Chauran <>; Diana Hadley <>; Andy Peters <>
Cc: Darlene Bishop <>
Subject: Governor Brown's Order
All – Governor Brown’s Executive Order from this morning. The highlighted section on Page 6, Paragraph 14 is the discussion regarding Local Government. In other words, we are not closed down but I want to maintain City Hall closure and allow people to work from home as needed.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
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