From: Darlene Bishop

Sent: Wed Mar 18 08:14:07 2020

To: All Employees Distribution List; Library Distribution List

Subject: COVID-19; Providing Emotional Support and Organizational Resources

Importance: Normal


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Providing leadership during the unprecedented times surrounding COVID-19 can be extraordinarily challenging. At Cascade Centers, we are extending support to our EAP clients and the broader HR community. Please join us for these upcoming webinars:



Maintaining Emotional Well-being During COVID-19 Outbreak

Thursday, March 19th at 11am-12pm PDT


This webinar will incorporate practical steps you can take during these uncertain times including strategies for healthy coping and stress management, ways to practice self-care, how to talk with children about worry and fears, information about resources and available EAP support.




A recording of this webinar will also be posted on our YouTube page following the live broadcast.



COVID-19; Leading During Uncertain Times

Friday, March 20th at 10am-11am PDT


Employees are looking to their managers and supervisors to provide guidance, information and resources. This webinar will incorporate practical steps you can take to share information without causing fear, steps to talk with your employees about anxiety and stress, addressing concerns about social distancing and information about EAP support.




A recording of this webinar will also be posted on our YouTube page following the live broadcast.



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About the presenter:


Lindsay Pietsch is an EAP Counselor at Cascade Centers. She earned a bachelor’s degree in community health education and philosophy from Portland State University and a master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling from George Fox University. She practices narrative therapy and strength-based therapy, in addition to providing regular organizational support and education for Cascade Centers clients.






















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