From: Tyesha Woods

Sent: Thu Mar 12 14:47:03 2020

To: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Cc: Andy Peters; Eric Underwood

Subject: COVID-19

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image002.jpg;


Hello Dan and Gerald,

I am reaching out as a follow-up to the voicemail I left for you today. As the Key Customer Manager for the City of Molalla I wanted to share PGE’s message for all of its residential and non-residential customers. As an essential service provider we feel a responsibility to deliver safe and reliable service to our customers. In times like these our customers need us more than ever and we are here to help. For the time being we have suspended disconnects and late fees.

Late notices and disconnection notices are likely to continue to be mailed out. We emphasize that if this happens we want customers to reach out to PGE. We encourage our customers to use self-service at or contact us at (503) 228-6322 or (800) 542-8818 for help with payment arrangements, if needed. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me any time. I’m here to help!

Thank you.




Tyesha Woods




Sr. Key Customer Manager • 503-464-7593 (o) • 971-347-4631 (c)
 • Follow us on social @PortlandGeneral