From: Dan Huff

Sent: Fri Mar 27 16:49:13 2020

To: Chaunee Seifried; Alice Cannon; Christie DeSantis; Gerald Fisher; Darlene Bishop; Cindy Chauran; Ginger Harville; Dan Zinder; Julie Larson; Maeghan Sandberg; Diana Hadley; Michelle Satyna

Subject: COVID-19 Telecommuting Policy

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg;


Good afternoon:

In response to employee questions about City service expectations during this period when many businesses are closed due to Governor Brown’s Executive Order No. 20-12, I am sending this message to all members of the Finance, Planning Departments, and City Administration Departments.

Public Works and Police employees do not have the option to work from home due to the direct services they provide to Molalla residents. This week some employees in Administration, Finance, and Planning have worked from home, as remote work tasks have been available for these individuals. We will issue a formal COVID-19 telecommuting policy for qualifying employees early next week. The policy will outline expectations associated with telework.

During this period, I expect that each department head will use the policy, combined with good judgement, when authorizing telework for individual employees. The intent is to keep providing outstanding service to Molalla’s customers during this unprecedented time. In addition, it is my expectation that the Finance, Planning and City Administration Departments maintain a staffing level of at least one on-site employee each day during regular work hours. This employee will be available to assist teleworking employees within their respective departments. The employee will also be on-hand to respond to City-wide service needs, as they arise.

I have tremendous faith in you and the service you provide. I trust that you will give us your best service during this period where the community is responding to the many needs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon





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