From: Darlene Bishop
Sent: Fri Mar 20 09:21:20 2020
To: All Employees Distribution List; Library Distribution List
Subject: Temporary City Hall Closure
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image003.jpg; All – As of noon today we will be temporarily closing City Hall to the public until further notice. You are all aware that our Library was closed this past Monday as well. I am a little stubborn and believe we have a duty to provide service to the community who pays us all for those services. Thank you all for your commitment and duty – I am proud of and blessed with a great staff. How this is going to work:
Each Department has differing needs based on service provision. I will work with each Department Head and Supervisors to make sure we accommodate the service as well as the employee.
In all honesty, I do not believe telecommuting works in the public sector. People do not stay on task and we have very few items or duties other than special projects that may qualify for telecommuting. If you are concerned about coming to work, or, you may need to be quarantined, talk with your supervisor. We may be able to come up with a plan for you but it may include some use of your own accrued time.
Information changes hourly sometimes and we will keep you informed the best we can. In the meantime, we are open for business – just with the doors closed.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
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