From: Fasth, Bill

Sent: Mon Nov 30 18:12:40 2015

To: 'Jennifer Cline'

Cc: Christine Hein; Lee, Rob

Subject: FW: Draft Annual Biosolids Report (second email)

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Revisions-part 3.pdf; Revisions-part 4.pdf;




Here is email #2:


Revisions-part 3


* All six of these pages can be deleted.


* In their place, substitute the one page from the attached Excel file (first email) that shows the field-specific application rates.


Revisions-part 4


* No revisions for the lab report.






From: Fasth, Bill

Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 6:06 PM

To: 'Jennifer Cline'

Cc: Christine Hein; Lee, Rob

Subject: RE: Draft Annual Biosolids Report (first email)




I have many suggested edits to the draft 2015 annual biosolids report. I have marked-up the draft report in red pen and scanned the pages.


This is the first of three emails that includes my scanned edits. I'm sending three emails because the file sizes are large. Explanations for the attachments as follows:


Revisions-part 1


* On page 2, I would shift all entered lab data for the biosolids over to the column for "2nd quarter" because the biosolids were sampled on May 19, 2015 (2nd qtr). Note that the lab report is shown in a subsequent email.


* I changed the value for P to 2.895%, as shown in the lab report. This is the value for Total P. The previous value of 9.421% was for Total Phosphate (as PO4).


* I changed the value for Total Solids to 3.8% as it should reflect the value in the lab report.


* I included the value for total volatile solids (43.1%) from the lab report.


* On page 3, I entered the dry weight values for each metal from the lab report. Data is supposed to be reported on a dry weight basis. The previous values were wet weight values.


* On page 4, I circled the method that was used to determine Class B pathogen reduction.


* Also on page 4, I also circled the method that was used to determine VAR.


* On page 5, I updated values in the table to reflect revised calculations that are shown in the attached Excel file. The Excel file shows all of the field-specific information that DEQ should want.


* The previous values in the table that showed application rates for each field that were based on an average total solids value of 3.43% (the average for all 7 days of the hauling and spreading). I don't think this is the correct way to calculate field-specific application rates. Rather, total solids values from each day should be used to calculate how many dry tons were spread at a field on that same day. This is the method that I used to calculate field-specific application rates shown in the attached Excel file.


* At the bottom of page 5, I added some text. Regarding "thickening", text about the DAF units should be added.


Revisions-part 2


* Page 1 can be deleted but the DAF information can be added to the "thickening" description mentioned above.


* On the page with "Plant-available N" table, I updated values to reflect those shown in the attached Excel file.


* The column for % solids should be deleted because the average value for total solids (3.43%) is no longer being used to calculate field-specific application rates.


* I slightly revised the values for N lb/DT and supporting files from a WSU spreadsheet are attached.





From: Jennifer Cline []

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 4:47 PM

To: Fasth, Bill

Cc: Christine Hein; Lee, Rob

Subject: Draft Annual Biosolids Report


Hi Bill,


Attached is the compiled data sheets and information Jason has compiled to submit to DEQ for the annual Biosolids report, with exception to a cover letter and Table of Contents. The Annual Report Due Date is Jan. 31st and we will need to add the final flows for the year as well to complete the report.


In the mean time I would like for you to review the documents and let me know if you have any questions that you speculate DEQ may ask or comments for corrections. This work can be billed under the misc. engineering support. Please give me a call if you have any questions.


Thank you,


Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla<>

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676