From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany
Sent: Thu Nov 06 13:30:32 2014
To: 'Susan Hansen'
Subject: Correction on due date for Inflow Removal Plan
Importance: Normal
Hello Susan
In my October 31st e-mail to you, I gave you the wrong date by which the Inflow Removal Plan is due. I calculated from 5/12/2014, which is the date I signed the permit but on the front page of the permit there is an effective date of 6/1/2014. As the language in Schedule D of the permit reads, the due date is 180 days from the date the permit went into effect (6/1/2014). So the actual due date is 11/28/2014.
I apologize for my error.
I have been in conversation with the city and they are actively working on the plan.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call or e-mail me. I do have a brief meeting at 2pm today but I am otherwise here.
Tiffany Yelton Bram
Water Quality Source Control Section Manager
Water Quality Program, NW Region
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
2020 SW 4th Ave., Suite 150
Portland OR 97201-4987
desk 503 229 5219
mobile 503 975 0046