From: COLE David

Sent: Wed Nov 26 08:20:13 2014

To: 'Jennifer Cline'

Cc: COLE David

Subject: Molalla contacts.

Importance: Normal


Hi Jennifer. I’m glad we had a chance to talk through important permit issues yesterday. I look forward to continued communication with you and the STP facility staff, as well as Dan, as we move forward with planning for the future, and implementing those plans.

Very soon I plan to research the options for extending the leak test deadline, and let you know what those options are.

As a reminder, when you get a chance, please e-mail me the contact information (e-mail & phone numbers) for Eric and Jake. Thank you.

David Cole, R.G.

Water Quality Permit Compliance Specialist

DEQ Northwest Region & Western Region

2020 SW 4th Avenue

Portland, OR 97201

(T) 503-229-5011

(F) 503-229-6957