From: COLE David

Sent: Fri Aug 22 13:40:15 2014

To: 'Jonathan Patrick'

Cc: Dan Huff; Christine Hein; Jennifer Cline; COLE David; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany; HYNSON Mark

Subject: RE: Molalla Lagoon leak testing.

Importance: Normal


Hi Jon. Thanks for the explanation of the plans and the timelines involved. It sounds like the next milestone in the leak test is for the valve repair to be completed. Please let me and Mark know when that is done. Thanks.

David Cole, R.G.

Water Quality Permit Compliance Specialist

DEQ Northwest Region & Western Region

2020 SW 4th Avenue

Portland, OR 97201

(503) 229-5011

(503) 229-6957 Fax

From: Jonathan Patrick []

Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 1:16 PM

To: COLE David

Cc: Dan Huff; Christine Hein; Jennifer Cline

Subject: RE: Molalla Lagoon leak testing.

We were going to follow the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality guidelines for estimating leakage from existing sewage lagoons. We will isolate a lagoon and then the calculation will be influent + precipitation –evaporation – effluent = seepage. I will give you more detail later. We have to repair a valve that doesn’t close all the way before we can accurately do the test. Since it is recommended to do this test in the summer, we might have to do the test next May. It takes about 15 days to do the test. That will give me time to get a report back to you by the June deadline. I would like to do it this October. Unfortunately by the time parts arrive and repairs are made to the valve we may be into the rainy season. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Jon Patrick

503 793 5283

From: COLE David []

Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 1:55 PM

To: 'Jonathan Patrick'

Cc: COLE David

Subject: Molalla Lagoon leak testing.

Hi Jon. Have you prepared a lagoon leak test project plan? If so, I’d like to see it. If not, what are your plans to do this, and what is the timeline to complete it?

David Cole, R.G.

Water Quality Permit Compliance Specialist

DEQ Northwest Region & Western Region

2020 SW 4th Avenue

Portland, OR 97201

(503) 229-5011

(503) 229-6957 Fax

From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany

Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 1:49 PM

To: COLE David

Subject: Lagoon testing

Hi David

As you know, Molalla has a permit condition to leak test the lagoons within one year of permit issuance. Could you please check in with them to ask what their project plan will be? They may need assistance and if that is the case, let me know, please. We don’t require the project plan but I’d like to have us see it. Your call will also serve as a good reminder if they haven’t yet thought about this!

Tiffany Yelton Bram

Water Quality Source Control Section Manager

Water Quality Program, NW Region

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

2020 SW 4th Ave., Suite 150

Portland OR 97201-4987

desk 503 229 5219

mobile 503 975 0046