From: Gerald Fisher

Sent: Tue Nov 08 15:57:09 2016

To: Dan Zinder; Dan Huff

Subject: Fwd: Voice message from CERANEK MARCUS (8312242099) to 5037590218

Importance: Normal

Attachments: message.wav;


Not sure if this is Planning or GIS.


Gerald Fisher, Public Works Director

City of Molalla

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone



-------- Original message --------

From: "tel: 8312242099" <>

Date: 11/8/16 2:14 PM (GMT-08:00)

To: Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: Fwd: Voice message from CERANEK MARCUS (8312242099) to 5037590218



The attached message was recently left in your voicemail account for 5037590218. We are sending you this email because you have asked for your messages to be forwarded to this address.