From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Mon Oct 15 12:49:57 2018

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Dan Huff

Subject: FW: Code amendment suggestion - inoperable vehicles

Importance: Normal


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Below is the email I sent previously regarding my proposed amendments to portions of the code regarding inoperable vehicles.

Per our discussion this morning, we should additionally:



Thank you!

From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2018 11:29 AM

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Dan Huff ; Kelly Richardson

Subject: Code amendment suggestion - inoperable vehicles

Dan and Gerald,

I’m recommending a change to our nuisance code regarding inoperable vehicles. As of now, our code is basically unenforceable because the definitions are very general and thus open to dispute. If a person can start the car, they have a pretty good argument that there is no violation. This has been at issue a few times this year. Silverton’s code provides a much more concrete definition. If we want to keep code prohibiting open storage of inoperable vehicles, I would advise changing it to the language to what they use as below:

Current language under Section 8.05.040:

  1. Open Storage of Junk. No owner, tenant, person in possession, or person in charge of or having the care of any real property, may deposit, store, maintain or keep on any real property within the City, (outside a site-obscuring enclosure, building or garbage receptacle) any of the following:
  1. Inoperable, unusable, partially dismantled automobiles, cars, trucks, trailers and other vehicular equipment or parts thereof in a state of disrepair for more than 10 days as to any one automobile, car, truck, trailer or piece of vehicular equipment.


Proposed Change under Section 8.05.040:

  1. Open Storage of Junk. No owner, tenant, person in possession, or person in charge of or having the care of any real property, may deposit, store, maintain or keep on any real property within the City, (outside a site-obscuring enclosure, building or garbage receptacle) any of the following:
  1. Any motor vehicle, trailer, or other vehicular equipment that:
    1. Appears inoperative, wrecked or in obvious disrepair;
    2. Has no current vehicle registration plates displayed; or
    3. Is totally or partially dismantled.

For more than 10 days.

This gives us much more discretion and something concrete to point to with the lack of plates.

Thanks for consideration,

- - - - - - - - -

Dan Zinder

GIS Analyst

City of Molalla


503.586.8094 (c)