From: Dan Huff
Sent: Fri Oct 26 08:02:52 2018
To: Rod Lucich; Frank Schoenfeld; Gerald Fisher
Subject: FW: Leash Law
Importance: Normal
Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;
From: Jimmy Thompson
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2018 2:50 PM
To: Dan Huff
Subject: Leash Law
We have signs noticing the requirement that pets be leashed at our parks. In many cases, a pet under command control is considered "leashed". Is that the case with our parks? I read the code and only saw the adoption of the state laws, which don't provide a definition of "leashed" that I could find.
Not that I want our police nailing pet owners to the wall for letting their dogs play, but if we have a rule on the books somewhere, it should probably be enforced.
Someone was complaining about dogs off leash at Clark Park. I suggested that they contact non emergency if they had a concern when they whitnessed it.