From: Frank Schoenfeld

Sent: Fri Oct 26 08:53:01 2018

To: Dan Huff; Rod Lucich; Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: Leash Law

Importance: Normal


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;

Well, I can honestly say that in my experience, I have been involved in cases where officers have cited when a dog has bitten citizens in the city parks and the court has looked at those cases as “Dog at Large” situations even though the owner was present, and the dog was not physically leashed. The courts still found the owner liable. I am not personally aware of any law that states a dog is considered “on a leash” even when it is under the command of its owner.

We can certainly contact dog control and see if they are aware of any such law?


From: Dan Huff

Sent: Friday, October 26, 2018 8:03 AM

To: Rod Lucich ; Frank Schoenfeld ; Gerald Fisher

Subject: FW: Leash Law


From: Jimmy Thompson

Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2018 2:50 PM

To: Dan Huff>

Subject: Leash Law


We have signs noticing the requirement that pets be leashed at our parks. In many cases, a pet under command control is considered "leashed". Is that the case with our parks? I read the code and only saw the adoption of the state laws, which don't provide a definition of "leashed" that I could find.


Not that I want our police nailing pet owners to the wall for letting their dogs play, but if we have a rule on the books somewhere, it should probably be enforced.


Someone was complaining about dogs off leash at Clark Park. I suggested that they contact non emergency if they had a concern when they whitnessed it.

