From: Amy Lindgren
Sent: Fri Jun 12 08:49:00 2020
To: Alice Cannon; Spencer Parsons
Cc: Gerald Fisher; Dan Huff
Subject: Re: Thank you for the conversation about CHTC this afternoon
Importance: Normal
Can you please document the conversation in a memo if you have not already done so and provide it to me for the file?
I am hesitant to call him and make myself a witness. Generally, when I call the witnesses to prepare them for trial it is not to "take a statement" but rather prepare them for trial. If I take a statement, I risk being conflicted off the case if the person later lies. It's complicated.
Also, I think the information should be shared with both branches of DEQ.
Which brings me to another question. Was that anonymous complaint a few months ago shared with DEQ?
From: Alice Cannon
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2020 11:56:36 AM
To: Spencer Parsons; Amy Lindgren
Cc: Gerald Fisher; Dan Huff
Subject: FW: Thank you for the conversation about CHTC this afternoon
I just spoke with this gentleman who was very wary about sharing his name with me. He was willing to share me his email – .
He says he and a number of former CHTC employees witnessed CHTC dumping and washing raw hemp into the storm drain. They were quite concerned about the fact that CHTC wasn’t following any government containment requirements, etc. I didn’t get the sense that he knows exactly what all those requirements are, but he knows enough that CHTC shouldn’t be following those practices. He reported that he and his coworkers became very ill at the strong smell while working on the site. Their eyes watered, they had difficulty breathing, and suffered from general illness that went away when they were away from work for a day or two.
He told me that Billy made threats to the group of employees. He reportedly said, “If I learn that any of you report anything you see happening here, I know how to take care of people permanently.” He and the rest of this employee group are quite scared, but would be willing to come testify at a hearing or court trial.
I was very careful with what I said to him in the event this was a “fake call” from the opposing side. I did offer to send him the link so that he and his coworkers can make an anonymous complaint to BOLI.
He wouldn’t give me his name but did share his email. I thought it would be great if Amy or Spencer reached out to him to have a conversation so he can learn about the process/dates and how he can testify or provide written information for a hearing. He seems spooked and said his coworkers are too. He said he wants the very best for the nearby neighbors. He’s concerned that nearby property owners are getting sick from and suffering from lower property values because of the fact that CHTC is not following rules.
Amy and Spencer: Think it through and let me know if one of you would be willing to reach out to this former employee via email and maybe phone.
From: Alice Cannon
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2020 11:38 AM
To: '' <>
Subject: Thank you for the conversation about CHTC this afternoon
It was nice speaking with you by phone just now. Here is the link to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries complaint web page. This is a place here you can offer any complaints about any violations of your rights as an employee, verbal threats made by your employer, safety complaints of anything else.
Thank you for the information you shared today. You can expect an email from a woman named Amy, a man named Spencer or me either later today or in the next few days.
Kind regards,
Alice Cannon