From: Dan Zinder
Sent: Tue Jun 02 15:51:17 2020
To: Andy Peters
Cc: Adam Shultz; Gerald Fisher; Sam Miller; Alice Cannon; Mike Penunuri
Subject: RE: Code enforcement
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 504 Pegasus - unpermitted driveway pad.docx; image001.jpg; Yes – that case is still open. I have attached the letter. Planning code requires that we send contact through the City Attorney for it to be enforceable, which it was not the first time. I can work with Amy on this. My understanding is that parking is not prohibited on cul-de-sac roads unless noted but I am opening this question to Molalla Fire. Dan Zinder 503.759.0226 From: Andy Peters <> Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 9:38 AM To: Dan Zinder <> Cc: Adam Shultz <>; Gerald Fisher <>; Sam Miller <> Subject: Code enforcement Dan do you still have an open file for this illicit driveway? We are trying to solve a sweeper issue on Pegasus and this is part of the issues. Also, are people allowed to park on a culdesac? Or does that disrupt fire truck turn radius. Andy Andy