From: Dan Zinder
Sent: Fri May 17 14:21:34 2019
To: Adam Shultz
Cc: Gerald Fisher; Dan Huff
Subject: FW: 640 zepher sewer and water connections on fifth wheel
Importance: Normal
Attachments: IMG_0673.JPG; ATT00001.txt; FYI, I have a certified letter going out on Tues for this unlawful connection. Likely has a resident too, which I have informed them is not MMC legal. This one hasn't drawn up any reports from the community yet but the connection certainly needs to be dealt with. Z -----Original Message----- From: Adam Shultz <> Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 2:26 PM To: Dan Zinder <> Subject: 640 zepher sewer and water connections on fifth wheel