From: Dan Zinder
Sent: Thu Oct 18 12:34:27 2018
To: Kelly Richardson; Gerald Fisher; Rod Lucich; Frank Schoenfeld
Cc: Tina Teel
Subject: RE: 701 Toliver
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 701 Toliver - 2018.docx; Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html; All, I sent out the attached notice to the Clowers residence today. Basically informing them of the current violations – known and suspected – and giving them an opportunity to correct. We’ll revisit on the 28th to see if they’ve removed some of the offending cars and the camping appears to have ceased. In the interim, Tina/Terry – if there is any evidence (photos, etc.) that can be gleaned of the illegal camping in the cars that would be useful for us going forward. Best, Dan Z