From: Dan Zinder
Sent: Mon Jun 05 15:25:27 2017
To: Tina Teel
Cc:; Rod Lucich; Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher
Subject: RE: 701 Toliver
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 701 Toliver.docx; Hi Tina, We sent out the letter today, which I’ve attached. Basically, the City can enforce noise, air quality, and wetland/drainage related issues as code violations. We encourage you and your residents to continue to log complaints as these issues occur. As we spoke of at the site visit, there’s nothing in the code to prohibit simply driving around back there but ripping through the drainage area/wetland and creating all sorts of noise and dust at high speeds trips off our code. Hopefully this letter will deter them but again, let us know if it doesn’t. Dan Zinder 503.759.0226 503.586.8094 (c)