From: Mike Boyd
Sent: Mon Nov 05 13:58:02 2018
To: Aaron Christopherson; Anthony Lapointe; August Watkins; Bobby Call; Chris Long; Curtis Kessler; Dan Huff; Frank Schoenfeld; Gerald Fisher; Jared Brenner; Jennifer Scott; Michael Wakefield; Rebecca Corwin; Rachel McBride; Rod Lucich; Ronda Lee; Steve Long; Travis Hill
Subject: FW: Julie Jacobson resolution
Importance: Normal
Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;
Hey all,
We finally resolved the cases with Julie Jacobson who had been squatting at 529 Hart and bypassed the water meter. The UUV charge was Lister’s case. The victim for the ID theft and Theft I was Dewey Leavitt so there were issues with those ones going to trial. MIKE
From: Stewart, Bill
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2018 2:10 PM
To: Lister, Brian ; Jennifer Scott ; Bobby Call ; Mike Boyd ; Rod Lucich
Cc: Goodrich, Tracy
Subject: Julie Jacobson resolution
We have reached a resolution that resolves all 4 cases…
She pled guilty today to…
I will dismiss all other counts and cases at sentencing.
Here’s the deal…
The path from here…
If this all works, all 4 cases will be closed.