1 Summary of Arborist Recommendations          
2 Spade Tree Preservation for JH Baxter Offsite Investigation, Eugene, Oregon      
4 Number (Report) Number (Procurement) Scientific Name Common Name Size (DxHxS) Depth of Excavation (in bgs) Arborist Recommendation Reason for Removal (where applicable) Property Owner Decision
5 210 Baxter Street (DU-09)
6 DU-09_01   Prunus Decorative Plum 3"x7'x8' 18 May transplant   Transplant
7 DU-09_02 1 Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 16"x50'x20' Removal prior to excavation It has several defects: there is a wound at the base of the tree to the north, it has been previously topped, it is being suppressed by the larger Sequoia to the west, and it has an unbalanced canopy to the east. Due to the species, the size, and the required soil removal depth, this tree would experience significant root loss and structural instability. It is recommended this tree be removed, Remove
8 DU-09_03 2 Sequoia sempervirens Coastal Redwood 51"x75'x40' Removal prior to excavation It has been previously topped, and out of this topping cut several codominant stems have emerged. This species is known to fail at codominant stems and is a shallow rooted species. Due to the species, the size, and the required soil removal depth, this tree would experience significant root loss and structural instability Remove
10 DU-11_01 1 Picea pungens Blue Spruce 17"x40'x30' 24 Removal prior to excavation This individual has several issues and defects: it is located within 10’ of the house and driveway, there are several wounds to the trunk, some with metal hardware, and there are codominant stems at 20’ up the trunk. Due to the amount of soil removal, the defects in the tree, and the proximity to targets, it is recommended that this tree is removed Remove
11 DU-11_02 2 Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 24"x70'x75' Removal prior to excavation The tree has several defects including a codominant stem at 40’ up the main trunk
and an unbalanced canopy to the south. This species has a poor tolerance of root disturbances, and, due to the depth of soil removal and the preexisting defects, it is recommended that this tree be removed. Due to the amount of soil removal, the defects in the tree, and the proximity to targets, it is recommended that this tree is removed. The loss of soil volume would cause significant instability and/or considerable dieback in the specimen resulting in an unacceptable risk level. To reduce the risk of root failure, the tree should be removed prior to the soil removal.
12 DU-11_03 3 Juglans nigras Black Walnut 6"x25'x15' Removal (can occur during excavation) The tree has a girdling branch wrapping around the main stem, is poorly sited next to the fence line, and is in close proximity to the road. This species has a poor tolerance of root disturbances, and, due to the depth of soil removal and the preexisting defects, it is recommended that this tree be removed. The loss of soil volume would cause significant instability and/or considerable dieback in the specimen resulting in an unacceptable risk level over the long term. Remove
13 DU-11_04 4 Acer macrophyllum Big Leaf Maple 26"x50'x40' 12 Removal prior to excavation The tree has several defects including a codominant stem at the base of the tree and an unbalanced canopy to the south. This species has a poor tolerance of root disturbances. Due to the amount of soil removal, the defects in the tree, and the proximity to targets, it is recommended that this tree is removed. The loss of soil
volume would cause significant instability and/or considerable dieback in the specimen
resulting in an unacceptable risk level.
14 DU-11_05 5 Crataegus laevigata English Hawthorn 11"x35'x50' Removal prior to excavation The central stem has been removed, leaving two overextended scaffold branches to the
east and west. The eastern branch has a large decay pocket in the trunk on the southern side at 5’. Due to the significant defects in this tree, removal is the recommended course of action. Maintaining the tree in the landscape after the soil removal would create an unacceptable level of risk.
15 DU-11_06   Juglans nigras Black Walnut 33"x55'x45' Keep, minimal-impact excavation technique w/ arborist onsite   Remove
16 220 Baxter Street (DU-10)
17 DU-10_01   Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 47"x85'x40' 18 Contact City for options/recommendations   Save/City ROW
18 DU-10_02   Acer palmatum Japanese Maple 2"x3'x3' Transplant   Transplant
19 225 Baxter Street (DU-15)
20 DU-15_01   pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 31"x75'x35' 12 Keep, minimal-impact excavation technique up to crown diameter w/ arborist onsite   Save
21 DU-15_02 1 Ilex aquifolium Common Holly 6"x10'x8' Removal (can occur during excavation) The tree has several defects including codominant stems at the base, and Ilex aquifolium are an invasive species in Oregon, especially in, or near, riparian areas. This species
has a good tolerance of root disturbances, but, due to the preexisting defects and invasive issue, it is recommended that this tree be removed
22 DU-15_03-05   Sequoia sempervirens or Calocedrus decurrens Coastal Redwood/California Incense Cedar min 1"x3'x3' max 1"x5'x4' Transplant, re-plant in fall/winter OR keep, minimal-impact excavation technique   Indifferent/City ROW
23 DU-15_06   Juglans nigra Black Walnut 33"x55'x45' Keep, minimal-impact excavation technique up to 30' radius w/ arborist onsite   Save
24 DU-15_07-15 3,4 Varies (several are fruit trees) several fruit trees min 1"x2'x2' max 1"x6'x5' Transplant, re-plant in fall/winter OR keep, minimal-impact excavation technique   Save majority (Remove two small Coastal redwoods)
25 DU-15_16 2 pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 27"x75'x35' Removal prior to excavation There was a codominant stem that was removed to the eastern side of the tree,
leaving the western stem unbalanced. The cut is too large for the tree to
reasonably compartmentalize, and the unbalanced nature of the remaining stem creates a risk to the houses to the northwest and southwest. Due to the amount of soil removal, the defects in the tree, and the proximity to targets, it is recommended that this tree is removed.
26 235 Baxter Street (SO-07)
27 SO-07_01   Acer saccharum Sugar Maple 14"x35'x30' 12 Contact City for options/recommendations   Save/City ROW
28 SO-07_02   Acer palmatum Japanese Maple 2"x3'x5' Transplant   Transplant
29 SO-07_03-04   Malus pumila Apple 1"x8'x6' 6 Transplant (if possible) or keep, minimal-impact excavation technique up to 2' radius   Transplant
30 SO-07_05 1 Acer ginnala Amur Maple 6"x20'x20' Keep, minimal-impact excavation technique up to 8' radius w/ arborist onsite   Remove
31 240 Baxter Street (SO-06)
32 SO-06_01 1 Crataegus laevigata English Hawthorn 17"x25'x25' 6 Removal prior to excavation This individual has several issues and defects: rot in trunk, overextended branches with previous failures apparent and is intertwined with the overhead communication wires to the east. Due to the condition of the tree and its proximity to targets, retention is not warranted. Remove
33 SO-06_02 2 Corylus avellana Common Hazel 16"x25'x25' Keep, minimal-impact excavation technique up to 1' radius w/ arborist onsite, remove if mechanical excavation causes too much additional root damage   Remove
34 SO-06_03 3 Crataegus laevigata English Hawthorn 16"x30'x30' Removal prior to excavation This individual has several issues apparent including: rot in trunk , old flush cut/failure, overextended branches with previous failures apparent, and is intertwined with the overhead communication wires to the east. Due to the condition of the tree and its proximity to targets, retention is not warranted. Remove
35 SO-06_08 4 Juglans nigras Black Walnut 11"x35'x25' Removal prior to excavation Despite the minimal impacts the soil removal may have, the tree has a couple overextended branches and an unbalanced canopy, with most of the weight extending to the west. There are several targets within striking distance of this tree, and the risk of failure is high enough to warrant removal of this tree prior to soil removal activities. Remove
36 242 Alva Park Drive (AP-01)
37 AP-01_01   Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Port Orford Cedar 29"x80'x40' 6 Contact City for options/recommendations   Save/City ROW
38 AP-01_02 1 Malus ioensis Crab Apple 12"x15'x20' Keep, minimal-impact excavation technique up to 8' radius w/ arborist onsite   Remove
39 AP-01_03   Juglans nigra Black Walnut 18"x40'x35' Keep, minimal-impact excavation technique up to 18' radius w/ arborist onsite   Save
40 AP-01_04 2 Ligustrum ovalifolium California Privet 3"x15'x20' Removal (can occur during excavation) This specimen is in such poor shape removal is the best and most cost-effective option. The tree can be removed at the same time as soil excavation. Remove
41 AP-01_05   Corylus avellana Common Hazel 8"x15'x25' Removal prior to excavation The tree is in such poor shape removal is the best and most cost-effective option. To reduce the risk of root failure, the tree should be removed prior to the soil removal. Save
