Smaller cities are receiving their American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds through the Oregon Department of Administrative Services (DAS). These cities are referred to by the U.S. Treasury as NEUs, or non-entitlement units of local government, and THESE CITIES HAVE THEIR FIRST ARPA REPORTING DEADLINE ON APRIL 30. We know some NEUs have had issues accessing the reporting Portal. Treasury issued the following responses to some common questions: - 1. Question: I have a number of questions about the reporting process, where is the best resource for general information about reporting? Recipients should visit Treasury's reporting homepage for extensive information on the reporting process including a user guide with step-by-step instructions, how to videos, and other resources to answer commonly asked questions.
- 2. Question: I can fill out the report but when I go to submit, it says I am not the Authorized Representative and cannot submit. Treasury has updated roles for all NEUs at this time and recipients having this issue should try again to submit their report. If they need to change roles themselves, users can watch the video here: If they continue to have issues, they should reach out to Treasury's helpdesk.
- 3. Question: After logging in error message appears that says "No matching contact record was found. Please contact your Account Administrator to create a Contact Record for you in the system...." This means Treasury does not currently have this person's email address listed as a contact person for a particular recipient. They should e-mail Treasury at or call the call center at 844-529-9527.
- 4. Question: I sent an email requesting help but I have not heard back yet. Treasury has received a large number of messages from recipients and some recipients are experiencing a delay in receiving a response. Their helpdesk staff are working as fast as possible to respond to all messages in the order they were received. Recipients should avoid sending multiple emails to the inbox with the same question as this will further delay responses for recipients as helpdesk staff take the time to review duplicate inquiries.
In addition to the above email or calling (844) 529-9527 you can forward your email to the National League of Cities (NLC) at The NLC will push these emails to Treasury to try to get a resolution in a reasonable time frame. The LOC hosted an April 15 webinar on reporting requirements for smaller cities. You can find a recording and the slide deck for that webinar here. Additionally, NLC has prepared two blogs that NEUs can reference to help navigate the process of filing their annual reports; the blogs can be found here and here. The following are additional resources available to help NEUs comply with the reporting deadline: Documents (See also Treasury’s webpage) Webinars (See also Treasury’s YouTube) Contact Mark Gharst, LOC Lobbyist - or 503-991-2192 |