From: Dan Huff
Sent: Tue May 31 15:44:12 2022
To: Mac Corthell; Andy Peters
Subject: FW: DAS CSFRF updated Revenue Replacement reporting template.
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.jpg; ARPA-LMP Quarterly Reports 5.31.22.xlsx; image003.jpg; Just received this in my quarantine. From: KEMP Jacqueline S * DAS <> Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 9:43 AM To: KEMP Jacqueline S * DAS <> Cc: StateFiscal RECOVERYFUND * DAS <> Subject: DAS CSFRF updated Revenue Replacement reporting template. Hello CSFRF Grant Manager, I hope that you had a relaxing 3-day weekend, I can hardly believe tomorrow will be June 1st and the close of the reporting quarter just 30-days away. For those organizations that do not yet have a grant agreement, you do not need to file a report on July 15, 2022. For all other organizations, attached is the revised reporting template for the projects that fall under the Expenditure Category of Revenue Replacement 6.1. This includes all grants that were allocated by members of the Oregon Legislature. The template conforms to the most recent updated information we have from US Treasury. However, as with the other expenditure categories, Treasury may increase or change the reporting requirements. Our most recent information is that policy discussions on reporting changes were ongoing within US Treasury. We will keep you updated! We want to remind you again that all grant subrecipients must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number from | Home or a TIN (a business tax number, not a Social Security number). For your reference this is a link to the US Treasury main webpage on the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Relief Fund. Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds | U.S. Department of the Treasury If you have any questions or there is a change in your contact person, please let me know I will be happy to schedule a call. Mahalo, (Thank you) Jacqueline Kemp, MA Ed Sr. Covid Fiscal Analyst | COVID Fiscal Relief Team Chief Financial Office | Statewide Accounting and Reporting Services Cell: 971-374-3310 | NOTE: Please include your organization’s Grant number in the email subject line.