From: Dan Huff

Sent: Thu Nov 17 08:24:27 2022

To: Mac Corthell; Andy Peters; Cindy Chauran

Subject: FW: DAS - SLFRF Information update form

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg; image003.png; image004.jpg;



From: KEMP Jacqueline S * DAS <>

Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 7:51 AM

To: StateFiscal RECOVERYFUND * DAS <>

Cc: KEMP Jacqueline S * DAS <>; Adam Moore <>; Alex Rains <>; Andrew Spreadborough <>; Andy Varner <>; Angelica Liliana <>; Angie Handegard <>; Anne FIFIELD <>; Antoinette Toku <>; Blair Larsen <>; Brad Crawford <>; Brandon Brezic <>; Brandon Neish <>; Brian Monberg <>; Brian Sjothun <>; Bridget Cooke <>; Brooks Slyter <>; Bruce St. Denis <>; Carla Duering <>; Cherry Haas <>; Conner Harmon <>; COSTIN Timothy M <>; Dan Huff <>; Dann Cutter <>; Dave Sukau <>; David Sa’ez <>; David Sawyer <>; Duncan Hwang - APANO <>; Ellen Valenting - Finance <>; Emily Dew <>; Eric King <>; Eric Klann <>; Eric Milburn <>; Erica Calderon <>; Erika Patton <>; Geoff Wullschlager <>; Ginger Allen <>; Gus Burril <>; Gwenn Baldwin <>; Heather Richards <>; Huell Whitehaus <>; Jaime Arredondo <>; Jamal Dar <>; James Piper <>; James Wood <>; Janet Chenard <>; Janette Townsend <>; Jason Burton <>; Jenny Haruyama <>; Jody Christensen <>; John Andersen <>; Johnell Bell <>; Jordan Bermingham <>; Jordan Robinson <>; Josette Mitchell <>; Josh Hoyer <>; Judy Hutchison Wiencken <>; Jules Martinez Plancarte <>; Julia Cannell <>; Julie Schafer <>; Kaaren Hofmann <>; Kathleen Zaragoza <>; Keith Campbell <>; Keith Witcosky <>; Kela Kruse <>; Kelcey Young <>; Kelli Tucker <>; Kelly Brooks <>; Kelson Bartley <>; Kimberly Wollenberg <>; Kirsti Pizzuto <>; Kristal Carpenter <>; Kristal Hughes <>; Kristen Switzer <>; Lani Faith <>; Laurie Sawrey <>; Leigha Perry <>; Liane Welch <>; Linda Hansen <>; Lora Lillard <>; Lori Fawcett <>; Lori Hooper <>; Lynne McConnell <>; Lysa Vattimo <>; Mac Corthell <>; Maria Caballero Rubio <>; Mark Bennett <>; Mark Daniel <>; Marty Wine <>; Mary Lambert <>; Matt Brown <>; Maya Perez <>; Megan Dirks <>; Melissa Owens <>; Melissa Thompson-Kieffer <>; Michael Thomas <>; Michelle Amberg <>; Mike Upston <>; Nancy Brewer <>; Nathan Teske <>; Nick Green <>; Nyssa Rivera <>; Pamela Ray <>; Paul Benoit <>; Peter Passarelli <>; Philip Stuva <>; Rachel Hershey <>; Renee Card <>; Rick Crager <>; Rick Hudson <>; Robert Kohn <>; Ron Chandler <>; Ron Harding <>; Ron Whitlatch <>; RUNTE Jay A <>; Sam Jordan <>; Sam Kelly-Quattrocchi <>; Scott Jorgensen <>; Scott McClure <>; Sean Hubert <>; Seth Kaplan <>; Sharron Monohon <>; Shurisa Steed <shurisa.steed@Co.Benton.OR.US>; Stephanie Patterson <>; Steven Weber <>; Sue Lawrence <>; Summer Brandon <>; Susan Brooks <>; Suzanne Harold <>; Tara Von Flue <>; Terri Palmer <>; Tim Smith <>; Tim Wood <>; Todd Fuller <>; Tom Ferrell <>; Trevor B. Williams <>; Tyler Wright <>; TYRER Stephanie * DAS <>; Winta Yohannes <>

Subject: DAS - SLFRF Information update form

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Our report filing with the US Treasury is complete! Thank you to each of you for submitting your reports.

The COVID Fiscal Relief Team finally has its long awaited system to help us track all responses and data from you, our grantees!

This request has a dual purpose: we are asking you to complete a short form giving us some data for the State Fiscal Recovery Fund’s website and giving you a sneak peek at the new software prior to the next reporting period. This form should only take 2 – 3 minutes to complete. When you click on this link - Information Form - it will open a form that looks like the following. Please complete the form in its entirety and when you are ready to submit, just click on the blue submit button. If you wish to receive a copy of your submissions, please check the box next to “Send me a copy of my responses” and the form will open up a box to enter your email address. We truly appreciate your time providing us this information that will aid us in creating a statewide snapshot of what the ARPA SLFRF grants are doing in our great state.

If you should have any questions about this form and the use, please send your questions to your grant analyst or the email box.



(Thank you)

Jacqueline Kemp, MA Ed

Sr. Covid Fiscal Analyst | COVID Fiscal Relief Team

Chief Financial Office | Statewide Accounting and Reporting Services

Cell: 971-374-3310 OK to text message |

NOTE: Please include your organization’s Name & Grant number in the email subject line.