From: Mac Corthell

Sent: Thu May 13 13:58:37 2021

To: 'Moore, Cindy'

Subject: RE: Dansons - Molalla IOF Memo

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.gif; image002.gif; image003.gif; image004.jpg; Dansons - Molalla - IOF Memo.pdf; 21-003 - Topo-11x17.pdf;


Sure thing, here it is! Thank you again for your help.

Macahan “Mac” Corthell, J.D. | Planning Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Phone - 503.829.6855

Fax – 503.829.3676

Email –

Website –

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From: Moore, Cindy <>

Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 1:49 PM

To: Mac Corthell <>

Subject: RE: Dansons - Molalla IOF Memo

Hi Mac,

Thank you for this information. So great to hear that the Danson’s project is still moving forward!

I believe that Rick Nys in DTD would be the best contact, but let me check to be sure and get back to you.

Could you please send me the IOF letter as well so that I can include that in an email to Rick as background? I will also send him the email below.

Kind regards,

Cindy Moore

Clackamas County

Business & Community Services – Economic Development Division

150 Beavercreek Road | Suite 419

Oregon City, OR 97045

PH 971.284.1002

Office hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am – 6pm & Friday 9am – 3pm

Have you checked out our “Who's Open” app? This free service connects people looking for goods and services from our Clackamas County Businesses with the providers who can meet their needs.

From: Mac Corthell <>

Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 12:40 PM

To: Moore, Cindy <>

Subject: Dansons - Molalla IOF Memo

Warning: External email. Be cautious opening attachments and links.


Hi Cindy,

There is a message from ODOT below that I’m hoping to get your assistance on. For background, we’re applying for an Immediate Opportunity Fund Grant to help pay for required developer improvements along the frontage of a site on S Molalla Ave. The roadway is county owned, and the development site it fronts is being annexed into the city. In order to receive the grant, ODOT requires that the application either be submitted by the county (since it is a county roadway), or the city applies then enters an agreement with the county for the county to maintain the improvements. Since the roadway is county owned and the county would be maintaining the improvements anyway, I thought the second option would be most palatable (the city applies and receives the grant, the county agrees to maintain the improvements to its own roadway). ODOT has provided the language that would be required in the forwarded message below.

I just got this info and we’re working with Dansons (the developer) to bring 40+ living wage, traded sector jobs to Molalla… contingent upon this grant. We’re pretty much a go on it right now except for this piece. Can you please advise on who I might need to contact to try and get this done? Thank you for any assistance you can provide.


Macahan “Mac” Corthell, J.D. | Planning Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Phone - 503.829.6855

Fax – 503.829.3676

Email –

Website –

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From: VISSAR Vanessa <>

Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 12:28 PM

To: Mac Corthell <>

Cc: SEARS Colin * BIZ <>

Subject: RE: Dansons - Molalla IOF Memo

Hi Mac,

I received the information below about how to proceed given the IOF project/S. Molalla Ave. is and will not be in the City of Molalla. Let us know how you’d like to proceed.

  1. 1. Clackamas County submits the IOF request via Business Oregon or


  1. 2. The City of Molalla submits the IOF request via Business Oregon, however, there will need to be an agreement between the County and City. Here’s how the agreement reads:


Recipient shall, at its own expense, maintain and operate the Project upon completion and throughout the useful life of the Project at a minimum level that is consistent with normal depreciation or service demand or both. The Parties agree that the useful life of the Project is defined as seven (7) years from its completion date (the “Project Useful Life”). For any portion of the Project that is not within ODOT’s or Recipient’s jurisdiction (the “County Portion”), Recipient shall enter into a maintenance agreement with the county having jurisdiction over the County Portion (the “Maintenance Agreement”). The Maintenance Agreement must designate the entity that will maintain the County Portion for the Project Useful Life. No Grant Funds will be disbursed until ODOT receives an executed copy of the Maintenance Agreement. This paragraph shall survive any expiration of this Agreement.

The County will not be a party to the IOF agreement.

Thank you,


From: SEARS Colin * BIZ <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 12:41 PM

To: Mac Corthell <>

Cc: VISSAR Vanessa <>

Subject: RE: Dansons - Molalla IOF Memo


Thanks for sending this, I believe this letter has most everything I need to pull together our letter to ODOT. I am in meetings for the remainder of the day so I am going to work on this tomorrow. If I have any questions I will let you know within the next few days.



Colin Sears (he/him/his)

Regional Development Officer

Region 4 – serving Clackamas, Washington and Multnomah Counties

Business Oregon |

503-894-0160 mobile


image image


From: Mac Corthell <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 11:13 AM

To: SEARS Colin * BIZ <>

Cc: VISSAR Vanessa <>

Subject: Dansons - Molalla IOF Memo

Hi Colin,

Please find memo attached in PDF, I’ve included the body of the memo in word for your use as well. Dansons is getting the letter together for commitment of funds, but other than that I think it’s all here. Let me know if there’s any more information you need, and my apologies for the delay, it took me longer than I thought to get the relevant information. You’ll note that I’ve included some production and transportation numbers in the memo, so the economists will hopefully have enough to work with. Thanks again!!!


Macahan “Mac” Corthell, J.D. | Planning Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Phone - 503.829.6855

Fax – 503.829.3676

Email –

Website –

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you.



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