From: Dewayne Kliewer

Sent: Sat Feb 11 21:18:55 2023

To: Andy Peters

Cc: Dewayne Kliewer

Subject: Revised Stormwater Master Plan RFP

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 20230207 DRAFT Stormwater RFP - Andy' s Edits & Dewayne' s comments.doc; 20230207 DRAFT Stormwater RFP - Andy' s Edits & Dewayne' s comments - Copy.pdf;




Took a run through the document to address your comments.

I have attached both the Word rendition w/ your and my comments being tracked, as well as a PDF of that last rendition as it was preliminarily corrected by me without the tracking (understanding that there are some additional questions to your comments being listed in the Word version and needing attention).


You can look through the Word version first - and if additional questions, edits or comments are pertinent (which are always invited), please get in touch and we'll go over them promptly - - before it gets conveyed on to Mac.��




Dewayne Kliewer, PE


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