From: Mac Corthell

Sent: Wed May 17 14:51:50 2023

To: Ronda Lockwood

Subject: FW: City of Molalla - Stormwater Master Plan Intent to Award notice

Importance: Normal

Attachments: ~WRD0000.jpg;



Please save this email in the project file for Storm Master Plan. Thank you!

Macahan “Mac” Corthell, J.D. | Community Development Director

City of Molalla

315 Kennel Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Phone – 503.759.0243

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From: Gary Schimek <>

Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 2:22 PM

To: Dewayne Kliewer <>

Cc: Mac Corthell <>; Andy Peters <>; Ronda Lockwood <>

Subject: RE: City of Molalla - Stormwater Master Plan Intent to Award notice

Thank you for taking the time to provide the feedback. We look forward to competing on future projects for your fine City! Take care.

From: Dewayne Kliewer <>

Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 12:24 PM

To: Gary Schimek <>

Cc: Mac Corthell <>; Andy Peters <>; Ronda Lockwood <>

Subject: City of Molalla - Stormwater Master Plan Intent to Award notice


To begin with, we want to sincerely thank the Blue Cypress team for the proposal submitted. It clearly represented a lot of effort and thought that went into the final product.

As you know, having been in similar roles in the public sector, selecting a consultant from proposals received can be very challenging. It's understood that each proposer would clearly like to do the work - and that each proposer has put a significant amount of time and cost into preparing their proposal.

In this case as well, we actually received three well-done proposals with a lot of thought put into what each presented. There is no doubt that all three firms could do an excellent job for the City of Molalla - and all three presented significant stormwater master plan experience and capabilities.

There were four City public works representatives that independently reviewed and rated the three received proposals on the rating scale identified in the RFP. Clearly there is objectivity exercised, depending on each reviewer's perspective and responsibilities - so the cross-section of reviewers was a good representation.

All four reviewers rated the proposal from Keller Associates the highest. Three out of four rated the Blue Cypress proposal second-highest.

Your proposal clearly reflected the years of experience your team had - and the benefit of your personal experience both as a client and a consultant is a plus factor.

Some of the reviewer thoughts expressed on the content of proposals were more editorial or trivial, while others reflected questions or concerns. Some that I recall on the Blue Cypress proposal included:


But overall, the Blue Cypress team proposal is both appreciated and commended. We do trust that future RFP's from the City of Molalla will be considered by Blue Cypress as well.



Dewayne Kliewer, PE

City of Molalla - Owner's Rep



From: Gary Schimek <>

Sent: Monday, May 15, 2023 3:35 PM

To: Ronda Lockwood <>

Subject: RE: Molalla Stormwater Master Plan

Hi Ronda,

Thank you for letting me know. If possible, would you (or someone else) be able to provide feedback on how we were lacking in comparison to the Keller proposal. It would be greatly appreciated.

