From: Andy Peters

Sent: Wed Jan 06 16:36:56 2021

To: Julie Larson

Subject: RE: FEMA Reimbursement for Water Usage

Importance: Normal

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Julie here is what I came up with, what do you think?

5 day x 2600 Ccf/day x $3.03/Ccf = $39,390

From: Julie Larson

Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2021 4:17 PM

To: Andy Peters

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: FEMA Reimbursement for Water Usage

This is perfect Andy.

Thank you so much!


From: Andy Peters>

Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2021 4:12 PM

To: Julie Larson>

Cc: Gerald Fisher>

Subject: RE: FEMA Reimbursement for Water Usage

Yes! We use Recycled Effluent first, 15,373,753 gal. This is considered a beneficial use of Class C Recycled Water allowed under OAR 340‐055‐0012. As for drinking water, it is difficult to determine how much water taken from the system during the period was for firefighting, but we do know that the average water usage in town leading up to the event was 1,585,314 gal/day, while flows during the event and evacuations was 1,954,756 gal/day. Considering a fire tender truck normally holds between 500 gal – 1500 gal, we can get an idea of how much water Molalla supplied. Peak flows in our system generally don’t exceed 1100 gpm but the plant experienced flows as high as 2772 gpm when fire crews were taking water. I've attached the Council Report we put together after the event that covers these numbers, for your documentation.


From: Julie Larson>

Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2021 4:06 PM

To: Andy Peters>

Cc: Gerald Fisher>

Subject: FEMA Reimbursement for Water Usage


We learned today that there is a possibility the water usage for the water tenders and other apparatus that may have hauled city water during the wildfires might be a reimbursable expense through FEMA. However, I am doubtful that the hydrants they may have used were metered?

Is there anyway possible to come up with a somewhat accurate number to provide to FEMA?

Julie Larson

City of Molalla | Office Specialist IV

117 N Molalla Ave. | Molalla, OR 97038

Direct: 503-759-0243 | Office: 503-829-6855

Business Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30
