From: Lizz Klein
Sent: Thu May 04 10:49:59 2023
To: Suzanne Baughman
Subject: Re: B&C meeting
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.jpg; Hi Suzanne, Thank you for the reminder and assistance with the agenda as I'm in Virginia for meetings until Monday. Here are the agenda items:
If you see anything that looks wonky, please let me know.
Thank you again!
On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:00 AM Suzanne Baughman <> wrote:
Good morning –
As you know I am now your City Hall contact for the B&C CPC, in lieu of Ronda Lee. If you like I can prepare your Agenda for next week, I will just need the items sent to me. If not that is great too, I would just ask you email me a copy of your agenda prior to your meeting so I can post them.
If I can be of any assistance, at any time, please let me know!
Suzanne Baughman
Executive Administrative Assistant
Phone: 503-759-0291
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