From: Jimmy Thompson

Sent: Wed Apr 25 11:32:09 2018

To: Natalee Litchfield

Cc: Dan Huff; Kelly Richardson; Elizabeth Klein

Subject: Re: Plastic Bags Solution

Importance: Normal


Ms. Litchfield,

We will have a spot for you on the agenda at the May 9th meeting and will have the equipment necessary for you to do a powerpoint presentation. Please bring the presentation on a flashdrive.

(Dan and Kelly, please add a spot for the May 9th meeting under public comment for "Ms. Litchfield, presentation regarding plastic bags")


It is difficult to respond to how quickly something could be set into place if there is support. Conceivably, the Council could instruct staff to prepare an ordinance for review at the following meeting (5/29), have a first and second reading and adopt the ordinance which would be effective 30 days from the date of adoption. My personal opinion, however, is that after you present the information Council will not take immediate action but will want to do some further research on the issue and potential impacts. It could take a significant amount of time, or could potentially never happen. The matter failed to move forward at the state level, even though I believe our representative Vic Gilliam was one of the chief sponsors of the bill. Your presentation will start the conversation locally, but I can offer no certainty where it goes from there.


Best Regards,

Jimmy L. Thompson


City of Molalla



From: "Natalee Litchfield" <>

To: "Jimmy Thompson" <>

Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 10:43:23 AM

Subject: Re: Plastic Bags Solution





May 9th sounds great! Tomorrows meeting would indeed feel a bit rushed to finish gathering my information and structuring a presentation. If you wouldn't mind adding me to the agenda for the following meeting on May 9th, that would be greatly appreciated. Presenting with a power point would also be very helpful to illustrate my points, images, ect.


If the delegation were to support the ban, how long do you think something like that would take to set into place? Just as a rough estimate.


Thank you so much for your time and support,



On Apr 24, 2018 10:35 AM, "Jimmy Thompson" <> wrote:


Ms. Litchfield:

Our next meeting is tomorrow night, but I can't have you added to the agenda for that one. We have public comment at the beginning, but that is the time restricted portion.


Our next meeting is May 9th. They start at 7pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call, then go into public comment.


We can add you to the agenda for May 9th so that you aren't pressed for time on your presentation. There is a pull down screen at the front of the room answer can have a PC present if you would like to prepare a powerpoint.


I have copied the city recorder, and city manager on this. If you would like to be added to the agenda for May 9th, please confirm by replying to all of us.


Best Regards,


Jimmy L. Thompson


City of Molalla

----- Original Message -----

From: Natalee Litchfield <>

To: Jimmy Thompson <>

Sent: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 09:54:31 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: Re: Plastic Bags Solution




Thank you for even responding at all! I would love to meet with city

counsel and possibly be a speaker at the nearest meeting? I will prepare a

presentation if that is possible! Do you know the time of the nearest city

counsel meeting? Thank you so much for listening to what I have to say.


Best regards,





On Apr 23, 2018 10:21 AM, "Jimmy Thompson" <>



> Ms. Litchfield:

> Thank you for your email and I apologize for the delayed response. While I

> am open to meeting with you, any decision to enact any sort of ban would

> actually need to be a decision made by the majority of the City Council.

> Perhaps it would be more appropriate to have you come to a council meeting

> and provide a presentation to the council. We have public comment at the

> beginning of meetings, which generally is restricted to three minutes per

> speaker, or, I could have you added as a speaker to a future agenda which

> would eliminate the time restriction.


> If you would prefer to meet with just me, I am generally available

> Friday's and on weekends as I work out of town. Let me know how you would

> like to proceed.


> Best Regards,


> Jimmy L. Thompson

> Mayor

> City of Molalla


> ------------------------------

> *From: *"Natalee Litchfield" <>

> *To: *

> *Sent: *Saturday, April 21, 2018 3:32:54 PM

> *Subject: *Plastic Bags Solution


> Hello Mayor Jimmy Thompson!

> My name is Natalee Litchfield, and I am a student at Molalla High School

> and I have lived in Molalla my entire life. In this past year, I have put

> in numerous hours towards Molalla High School to be certified as a Green

> School, along with other environmental advancements and goals. I am

> emailing you in regards to a large concern of mine. Molalla's use of single

> use plastic bags. Each time I go to Safeway, I am absolutely shocked at the

> amount of nonrecycleable plastic that is used simply to carry food. The

> reality is that this is hurting our environment immensely. Both with the

> greenhouse gases produced when the bags are made, as well as where they end

> up later (landfills, oceans, etc.). Places such as Manzanita, Portland,

> Eugene, Corvallis, McMinnville, Forest Grove, and Ashland across Oregon

> have all enacted a ban on this product and have dramatically decreased the

> amount of plastic that is used. Along with the ban usually comes a 10 cent

> tax on paper bags, and a 10 cent tax to purchase reusable bags that most

> customers reuse to avoid the tax. I think we should introduce a ban to

> Molalla. If people are not open to this, even a 10 cent tax per single use

> plastic bag would cause people to change their habits and become more

> conscious.


> I would love to meet with you to discuss this.

> Thank you for your time!


> Natalee Litchfield

