Sent: Fri Feb 15 16:42:36 2019

To: CHAPMAN Cheyenne; 'Betz, Jan'

Cc: Felice, Rachel

Subject: RE: Order on Consent, DEQ No. 14-02, In the Matter of City of Portland, Bureau of Parks and Recreation

Importance: Normal


I’ve put a copy in the e-file in Cleanup. There is nothing else I need. Thank you for completing this.


From: CHAPMAN Cheyenne

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 4:32 PM

To: 'Betz, Jan' <>

Cc: Felice, Rachel <>; LIVERMAN Alex <>

Subject: RE: Order on Consent, DEQ No. 14-02, In the Matter of City of Portland, Bureau of Parks and Recreation

Hello Jan – Thank you for preparing this documentation of change of Project Managers. DEQ usually places this documentation in the official project file, and I keep a convenience copy in the PPA file here at DEQ HQ. This should be a good template for documenting any future change of Project Managers as well. Alex, please advise if you would like anything additional.

Cheyenne Chapman, JD, LLM | Legal Policy Analyst |

Prospective Purchaser Agreement Program Coordinator |

Land Quality Division | Oregon Department of Environmental Quality |

700 NE Multnomah St. Suite 600, Portland OR 97232 | | o: 503-229-6461 | c: 503-957-9885

From: Betz, Jan <>

Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 2:22 PM

To: CHAPMAN Cheyenne <>

Cc: Felice, Rachel <>; LIVERMAN Alex <>

Subject: Order on Consent, DEQ No. 14-02, In the Matter of City of Portland, Bureau of Parks and Recreation


Attached is a request for modification to change the Project Managers in the Anderson Property Consent Order. I have included as an attachment your email to me designating Alex Liverman as the Project Manager for DEQ.

Please let me know if you need anything further


JAN V.V. BETZ | Senior Deputy City Attorney


1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 430

Portland, OR 97204

Voice: 503-823-4941 | Fax: 503-823-3089

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