From: ELWORTH Susan * DEQ
Sent: Wed Jun 09 11:41:36 2021
To: Richards, Tina
Subject: RE: Agreement in Case No. LQ/CU-NWR-2020-197
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 20210608161022899.pdf; Tina – Attached is the fully executed MAO. The MAO requires that the City submit a SEP application within 30 days for DEQ approval, otherwise the $19,751 civil penalty would be due within 60 days. Additionally, under the provisions of the MAO, failure to implement the provisions in the Consent Order prior to December 31st, will result in a penalty of $438,515 being immediately due. If the City foresees any issues with meeting the compliance date of December 31st, please let either myself or Alex know as soon as possible. Thank you – Susan From: Richards, Tina <> Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 12:02 PM To: ELWORTH Susan * DEQ <> Subject: Re: Agreement in Case No. LQ/CU-NWR-2020-197 Susan, attached is the signed version. I will send along any info/preview regarding the SEP as soon as I get the info from Parks. Thanks, Tina TINA RICHARDS | Deputy City Attorney PORTLAND OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 430 Portland, OR 97204 503-823-3118
From: ELWORTH Susan * DEQ <>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2021 3:43 PM
To: Richards, Tina <>
Subject: Agreement in Case No. LQ/CU-NWR-2020-197
Tina – Attached is an agreement settling the case. The agreement reduces the penalty to $19,751, allows the City to further reduce the penalty contingent upon submittal of an environmental project application, and re-instates the penalty reduction if the City fails to complete the requirements in Section 5.A of the Consent Order prior to December 31, 2021.
If any of the agreement doesn’t make sense or needs to be changed, feel free to let me know. I am available this week on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon to talk if needed.
Thank you – Susan
Susan M. Elworth, JD
Department of Environmental Quality
(503) 229-5152
700 NE Multnomah St., Suite 600
Portland, OR 97232