From: Dragoy, Astrid

Sent: Mon Apr 22 12:41:49 2013

To: LIVERMAN Alex; Felice, Rachel

Cc: Lev, Deborah; Lofgren, Todd; Scheffler, Linda

Subject: RE: PGE Forest Park annual report reminder

Importance: Normal



It was good talking with you.

You will receive the letter from Rachel and me this Thursday.

I will be working with Todd Lofgren on how to do this in the future.

Best regards,


Astrid Dragoy

City Nature Natural Areas Zone Manager | Portland Parks & Recreation

503-823-4376 (office)


From: LIVERMAN Alex []

Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:55 AM

To: Dragoy, Astrid; Felice, Rachel

Cc: Lev, Deborah; Lofgren, Todd; Scheffler, Linda

Subject: FW: PGE Forest Park annual report reminder

Hi All.

I haven’t received a response to this latest request (below) for a status update on the annual report submittal. Since Linda recently sent me an updated list of contacts, I wanted to make sure I am communicating with the right folks. Please let me know who I should connect with to get this annual report and work toward closure.





Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 1:13 PM

To: 'Dragoy, Astrid'; Felice, Rachel

Subject: PGE Forest Park annual report reminder

Hi gals.

Just following up on our discussions regarding the delinquent annual report for this project. I appreciate that personal issues have compounded your already busy schedule, Astrid, and also that Rachel was able to join me on our site visit on Feb 22nd. It was nice to meet you, Rachel, and really great to see the site and erosion control measures recently enhanced on the site.

As I have mentioned previously, I’m not overly concerned with the delinquency of the annual report, esp. since the conditions at the site are being addressed. However, the report (due by Oct 31, 2012) is now six months late, half of which have passed since I brought it to your attention in Jan 2013.

I would like to complete a source control decision for the site and close the file, pointing to redevelopment as planned under the PPA for any further actions. To do so, it is important that the file be complete, up to date and in compliance. I would appreciate receiving your write up of the recently completed BMP repairs as the 2012 annual report. Then, following the onset on the rainy season next fall, perhaps you can revisit the site, make any needed adjustments to controls, and submit that report by the end of Oct 2013 and we can close it up. How does that sound?

Let me know if you have further input to share. Also, I have cc’d you both on DEQ’s memo recommending reopening of the PGE file, which should be finalized before the end of April.



L. Alexandra Liverman

Portland Harbor Stormwater Coordinator

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Northwest Region Cleanup Program

2020 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 400

Portland, Oregon 97201

phone: 503 229-5080

fax: 503 229-6899