From: Felice, Rachel
Sent: Thu Oct 30 13:24:57 2014
Cc: Dragoy, Astrid; Scheffler, Linda; Betz, Jan; SCHWARZ Bob
Subject: PGE Forest Park Annual report
Importance: Normal
Attachments: DEQ letter-FL1-submitted October 2014.pdf; Hi Alex, Attached is the annual report to DEQ regarding the PGE site in Forest Park. As noted in the letter, the next submittal regarding this property will change in nature due to the acquisition of the two adjacent properties. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Rachel ____________________________ Rachel Felice Portland Parks & Recreation Natural Areas Supervisor | City Nature West 2909 SW 2nd Ave Portland, OR 97201 503-823-4474 (office) 503-823-1233 (mobile)