From: Petersen-Morgan, Kendra
Sent: Wed Sep 26 08:02:23 2018
To: LIVERMAN Alex; Ryals, Cindy; Hibbard, Stacy
Cc: Betz, Jan; Felice, Rachel; Herwig, Britta; Johnson, Marshall
Subject: Annual Report for PGE-Forest Park Property
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Annual Report - Sept 2018.doc.pdf; ISMP Checklist_Sept 2018.pdf; ISMP_checklist_map.pdf; Please see the attached documents included in our annual progress report for the PGE-Forest Park Property (ECSI#2406). Please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Kendra Petersen-Morgan Natural Areas Supervisor | West Lands Stewardship 4000 SW Fairview Blvd Portland, OR 97221 Portland Parks & Recreation 503-823-4492 (office)