From: Felice, Rachel
Sent: Thu Jul 02 16:32:44 2015
Cc: LIVERMAN Alex; Dragoy, Astrid; Roth, Emily; Betz, Jan; Scheffler, Linda
Subject: Consent Order 14-02- Forest Park- Anderson Properties 100, 200, 300
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image003.gif; image004.gif; image005.gif; image006.gif; image007.jpg; DEQ letter-FL1-submitted July 2015.pdf; ISMP Checklist_submitted July 2015 (2).doc; Hi Bob, Attached are documents submitted by Portland Parks & Recreation required by Consent Order in regards to the Anderson Portland Properties site (ECSI #5529). This includes all three tax lots, 100, 200 and 300. The attachments are as follows:
Please contact me if you have any questions about the attached materials.
Rachel Felice
Natural Areas Supervisor | City Nature West
Portland Parks & Recreation
1120 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 1302
Portland, OR 97204
503-823-4474 (office)
503-823-1233 (mobile)
503-823-2358 (fax)
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