From: Cermak, Abigail

Sent: Wed Mar 21 16:08:51 2018

To: Ryals, Cindy; LIVERMAN Alex

Cc: Mellott, Andre; Blanco, Joe

Subject: Forest Park Trailhead & Nature Center at 4315 NW St Helens/PGE site

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Stormwater Report - Forest Park - 4315 NW St Helens(compressed).pdf;


Hi Cindy and Alex,

Thank you both for chatting on the phone with me today about the Forest Park site. I will be sending out a separate email (today or tomorrow) to the project manager for this Park’s project letting them know that they will want to coordinate with other agencies/stakeholders before moving further along on their land use review and stormwater design plan. We don’t want Parks receiving a preemptive approval from the Bureau of Development Services on a land use/environmental zone review before all the stakeholders have had a chance to look at their proposal. Input from other stakeholders could have an impact on their design and just cause a headache all around. I’m cc’ing my coworker Ander Mellott who will be reviewing this project for the BES Pollution Prevention requirements and how they fit in with DEQ and Portland Harbor needs.

Also, thank you Cindy for offering to help Parks coordinate a meeting with all the right people at the table.


Abigail Cermak

BES Pollution Prevention Plan Review
