From: Betz, Jan
Sent: Tue Sep 24 16:24:41 2019
Cc: Felice, Rachel; Herwig, Britta; Petersen-Morgan, Kendra
Subject: Anderson DEQ cor 9.24.19.pdf
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Anderson DEQ cor 9.24.19.pdf; Alex and Cheyenne, Attached is a written request to extend the date for compliance regarding a provision of the Order on Consent for the former Anderson/Forest Park property. A hard copy is being sent by U.S. mail as well. Please let me know if you have any questions about the request. Thanks, Jan JAN V.V. BETZ | Senior Deputy City Attorney PORTLAND OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 430 Portland, OR 97204 Voice: 503-823-4941 | Fax: 503-823-3089 Equal Access Notice: The City of Portland operates without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, age or disability according to all applicable nonâdiscrimination laws, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, and Title II of theADA. To help ensure equal access to City services, the City will provide translation and interpretation and will reasonably modify policies or procedures and provide auxiliary aids or services to persons with disabilities. For such requests please click here or call (503) 823-4047, TTY 503-823-6868 or Oregon Relay Service: 711. Portland City Attorney Confidentiality Notice: This message may contain confidential or legally privileged information belonging to the sender. If you have received this message by mistake, please immediately notify the sender, delete the original message, and destroy all copies.