Oregon Records Management Solution
Special meeting of the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission Dec. 19, 2022: Online/teleconference The Oregon Environmental Quality Commission met on December 19 for a special meeting. The meeting was held on Zoom, an online video conferencing platform, with toll-free telephone access available for audio-only connections. Dec. 19, 2022: 3 to 4:30 p.m. All times are approximate and subject to change 3 p.m. Welcome and meeting open The commission will convene the special meeting and review the agenda. 3:05 p.m. Item A: Action: Advanced Clean Cars II rules DEQ will present proposed rules for commission action. The Advanced Clean Cars II rules would transition all new light-duty vehicle sales in Oregon to zero-emission by 2035. The proposed rules also include updates to the Low Emission Vehicle Program rules to ensure they are identical to California’s current light duty vehicle emission standards, continuing the regulatory alignment required for Oregon's Low Emission/Zero Emission Vehicle Program. Item A presentation slides Amendment 1: Revised rule language The commission is scheduled to adjourn after Item A, at approximately 4:30 p.m.