Sent: Tue Oct 16 16:48:30 2018

To: 'Brendan Robinson'

Cc:; Erica Whiting

Subject: RE: GWET Evaluation Questions

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;


Hi Brendan,

Per our phone discussion, DEQ agrees to the revised submittal date of October 26, 2018.

Matt McClincy

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Northwest Region

700 NE Multnomah St., Suite 600

Portland, Oregon 97232-4100

Phone 503-229-5538

Fax 503-229-6945

From: Brendan Robinson <>

Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 3:17 PM

To: MCCLINCY Matt <>

Cc:; Erica Whiting <>

Subject: RE: GWET Evaluation Questions


Per our phone discussion, we are requesting an extension for providing the data requested below. The revised submittal date is October 26, 2018.

Please let Todd Slater and me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.


Brendan Robinson, P.E.



1001 SW 5th Avenue | Suite 1010 | Portland, OR 97204

M +1 (503) 310-8463

E | W


From: MCCLINCY Matt <>

Sent: Friday, October 05, 2018 11:19 AM

To: Brendan Robinson <>


Subject: FW: GWET Evaluation Questions

Hi Brendan,

To facilitate our review of the Draft GWET System Effectiveness Evaluation could you provided us with the following within the next two weeks:

1. Pump test flow rate evaluation. Table 1 presents “Pump Test Flow Rate” for each of the production wells. Could you provide the drawdown hydrographs and pumping rates for each well so we can see how the Pump Test Flow Rates were derived?

2. The monthly hydrographs for the period covered by Draft GWET System Effectiveness Evaluation based on Serfes method filtered water level data, of gradient cluster wells superimposed on hydrographs of their corresponding comparison point and river stage data. (See Section 2.2.2 of the Performance Monitoring Plan.)


Matt McClincy

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Northwest Region

700 NE Multnomah St., Suite 600

Portland, Oregon 97232-4100

Phone 503-229-5538

Fax 503-229-6945



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